15+ Millions Lepers Learn More In the past two decades, more than 15 millions people have been treated for Leprosy. There are still many lepers around the world need help. 0 Lepers We Helped 0 Individual donors support our missions 0 Business Donors Support Us 0 Scholarships Given to Children of the Lepers INFORMATION . Contact us: Damien The Leper Society P.O. Box 5678 Destin,Florida 32540 support@damientheleper.org (850) 533-2569 PHOTO GALLERY . latest works . DLS provides assistance to the lepers in Kontum Wound Care Project newsletter . Sign up for our mailing list to get latest updates Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name * Name Email First Email *Subscribe