Dear Friends,
For more than 20 years, we have brought joy and changes to the unfortunate people in Vietnam. Your generous contributions and loving commitments to help the poor have shone the mercy and goodness of God.
For more than 20 years, we have journeyed with these brothers and sisters whose miseries are the most dreadful crosses any human should have to endure. They endure suffering so appalling even their souls repudiate. “I hawk the soul out of my mouth tonight, so my soul wouldn’t be so miserable.” (Han Mac Tu) They were left in the jungles where Saint Damien had to leave his homeland to find them on the island of Molokai.
For more than 20 years, we have continuously sought out the lepers in the remote areas, secluded mountains and Isolated hills. Many people voluntarily have made sacrifices of their jobs and families, paying their own way and gathering others to go the leprosaria for the love of humanity.
From Ca Mau, Ha Lao to Lang Son, some volunteers literally sleep and eat on the streets, walking with bare feet with the local priests and nuns looking for lepers in remote places. They share not just their expertise in healthcare but love for these people, serving them with all their hearts.
They have never stopped going to these places where their hearts beat with the same rhythm with the mystery of the love of Jesus, looking for people who are in most need for help.
With the uncertainty of the society, economy, politics, and the magnitude of the difficulties the lepers are facing each day, all we can do is to take one step at a time, and continue to provide them with food and livable shelter.

We are all pilgrims in this land, and our hearts will always yearn for our roots. Since, charity and love are the foundation of every action and decision in life, we must follow our heart’s desire and conscience. Let us continue to live each day for our loved ones and what matters most.
I take this opportunity to thank you for your contributions and service for the lepers. May Saint Damien pray for us to be faithful and persevere on our journey of faith and love, bringing healing and hope to our unfortunate brothers and sisters! God bless you and may you and your family be filled with peace and joy this summer!
Blessings and peace,
Fr Viet Huynh